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Переводы „high life“ в словаре англо » словенский (Перейти к словенско » английский)

Примеры со словом high life

Одноязычные примеры (не проверены редакцией PONS)

Cotton loved the high life, including champagne, caviar and bespoke tailored clothes.
You've probably heard the stories of huge butter mountains and wine lakes, and moneybags landowners living the high life thanks to subsidies from unwitting urbanites.
He liked the high life but, at the same time, was so introspective.
The proceeds enabled him to live the high life.
Her ultimate goal is to attain for themselves the ultimate high life of a big house, big car and the works.
He has been living the high life full of wine and women but decides to forego both during her stay.
A farmer's wife becomes obsessed with the high life, and abandons him after he loses his sight.
The song's lyrics focus mainly on a handsome, charismatic young man leading the high life while dealing in illicit drugs.
Remember that the state of denial of kingship would still come up in trying to imitate the high life.
It has high life expectancy, access to health care and education.

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